Welcome to our project website

Eurobridges is an international project focused on technology, technics, culture, and cooperation. It is the continuation of the cooporation between VTI Sint-Lucas (Menen, Belgium) and Gymnazium of Nova Paka (Czech Rep.). Projects in the past where "Zelena is Groen (2010)", "BE-in-CZ (2011)", "Zelena is Groen (2012)" and  "BE-in-CZ (2013)".


We want our students to be interactive, involved, interested, inspired, inspiring, in love, initiative, independent, inovative, in BE, and in CZ ...


The main idea of the project is to interconnect students´creativity, curriculum and cultural approach. Students think about, discuss and learn about "Green" technology,  Europe, foreign countries and their culture.

with the kind support of


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